What are the causes of disc or herniated disc | Prolapsed Disc

What are the causes of disc or herniated disc |  Prolapsed Disc

 Disk or disk syndrome of common diseases, especially at the stages of ageing and older age, but many and diverse causes of decache make the belief of it at the age stages of young people make logical and not impossible to believe it.

The symptoms of the Disk

How do you know you don't have just normal pain in the back and you have already got a case of this syndrome

The subject needs a visit to the doctor, but these symptoms usually appear to indicate that the visit has become necessary:

  • Page in the back.
  • He didn't extend down the legs.
  • Increase pain when the bending or sitting for a long time.
  • Increase pain at cough or snoop.
  •  He went out or feeling like there's pins and needles in the arm or the leg.

It is also known that the place of pain is an important sign of the injury; as the back pain may occur anywhere in the back, but the desecece in 

particular suffers from pain in the lower area of the back bones that are the highest thigighs, and the pain may extend to the rail, and the steners and the back of the feet.

The behavioural reasons for the behavioural

The risk of being committed to some people is more than others, based on many activities and things, most important as:

  • Obesity..
  •  Weak muscle.
  •  Not to exercise regular exercise.
  •  Smoking cigarettes.
  •  Advance.
  •  Stop and walking wrong.
  •  To raise things wrong.
  •  Raise a very heavy weights on the body.
  •  Inheritheritage factors.
  •  Activities and actions that require sustained physical effort.
  •  The driving of cars with no break (long-term sitting with the vibrations caused by the car, which together increases the risk of injury).

The reasons for the codification scientifically

The incidence of disk may be the result of a violent injury that caused damage to the appearance, and the natural increase in human age has a potential role 

as a result of the eamless of the back bones and the loss of its flexibility whenever older years, and the factors we mentioned above are all potential causes of the injury, especially when it is repeated.

In scientific terms, the desecece occurs when some of the soft internal parts are slipped through a crack in the back wall, and the slice is often the slice and sliding in the underpart of the back, but it is also common that the same process will occur in the boats.

This slip of soft particles is believed to stimulate them to detect chemical detachments that are irrigorous and lead to a severe pain, and the injured back will not bear 

on its own to bear the weight of various human activities, and therefore may put some pressure on nerves, which is another reason for the feeling of pain.

It's thought that the cause of the slip in the back is the result of gradual erosion and repeated and routine pressure on the back, as well as... The spinal disks lose some of their water content when they move age, which makes them less liner and more vulnerable.

Diagon of Disk

Diagry, his diagnosis needs to visit a specialist doctor, where the doctor is examining the body and often focuses on his examiaminations on the reaction of 

the body, the strength of the muscle, the extent of the possible movement of the body without pain, the ability to walk and sensitivity when touch and to look at the back places and see if there is any disruption.

The conduct of x-ray examinations to see accurate spinal images help to diagnose the disease accurately and separate its symptoms from various other diseases, and one of the most famous radiological images that can be conducted:

  •  Photo. MRI. Or the CTC.These photographs can locate the desececration and affected gangs.
  •  The photo of the disk.: This process includes a dye injection in the soft middle of one or more disks, to help identify the incineration in individual disks.
  •  The Varium.It's a dyelling in the spinal fluid and then taking a picture. With x-ray.The disk can explain whether the vertian disk exercises any pressure on the spinal and nerves.

Whatever symptoms or causes of the dysysis certainly a disturbing disease, and you have some small advice to avoid it:

  •  Avoid. Heaven Excessive or loss of weight if necessary.
  •  Leave the right ways to carry different purposes and things, where it is necessary to focus pressure on the feet when they get up things and not back.
  •  He took enough rest, and medical assistance needs to be used as soon as he suffers from symptoms.
  •  Standing well and healthy.
  •  Not sitting or standing at the same position for long periods of time, but the sitting conditions must be changed or standing to avoid increased risk.
  •  Experts are advised to change the way of sitting, parking and movement as far as possible every 30 minutes.

What's the deske or the mystery slip

Prolapsed Disc Among the spinal paragraphs, there's a problem in rubber pills between the spinal paragraphs, known. Your Disk back. In other names, like... The disk, the musk, or the disk, or the slipped foods..

It's like a disk. Between paragraphs. 

The spinal is to some extent, with the Line's flet consisting of a jelly material, and a more solid external part. The slipped and your diet occurs when the lion mup is pushed out by tearing in the most difficult outer part.

The sliding disk can affect me. Needs. 

The surrounding him and he's... Pressure her.

This leads to the emergence of the symptoms of the cardiovascular, most important 

of them pain, or Get down!Or a weakness in the arm or leg according to the location of the disk where the carcincinc slip took place.

The disk is back to his original status with Appropriate care In many cases of deccs or cardiovascular, but sometimes the disk requires more treatment or to. bone surgery and paragraphs To correct the problem.

The cardiovascular could happen in. Different places From the spinal paragraphs, as possible. Slp! Someone's wretched. 

The neck disks.The symptoms of the musk in the neck may extend to other parts of the body, the Disk's surp pain can extend

 from behind the neck to the arms and fingers, reduce the extent of the neck movement and the pain increases with each movement of the neck, when cough, or the snip.


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